I love our coffee place. Its right across the river from the sushihouse and I take my book there every morning and drink Corks best coffee (sometimes its right up there with the Altura standard). Lately the weather has been very agreeable, when the sun shines, it SHINES, the rest of the time its pretty warm but almost always threatening rain. Still, its lovely to sit outside, and fun too, when I only have to take my seat by the door at Cafe Depeche and know my coffee will be in front of me in seconds without my having to even speak. Always with the cheerful smile from the lovely Canadian Valarie or the educational food and coffee banter of Humphrey, the owner.
Over my first few months here, Humphrey, Si and I went about showing the Irish ways with the 'Flat White'. Before long, Humphrey had produced a coffee rivaling those I consumed feverishly during my dissertation. Within days, every employee at the establishment knew, under Humphreys instruction, that should either my or Simons face appear, the new 'Flat White' must be made with the precision demonstrated by himself.
Before too long, new menu boards appeared with our Southern Hemisphere specialty carefully printed at the bottom...

Ah, a taste from home....
Nom Nom
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