What is it about Ireland that means everything has to be either badly done, or not done at all? Simon and I have been here at the Sushihouse for 5 months, but we still don't have any TV (other than the local channels we pick up with the laptop) or any telephone. Not that this bothers me too much, I still dont like TV much and Si and I get some good cards, scrabble and, as of yesterday, Mah-Jongg in.
What REALLY gets up my goat, however, is the fact that, I am gripping my cellphone, heart racing, a week on from my last interview, with no word yet. From experience, I know they may never call.
They just don't do that here. True to Irish style, if you aren't 'the one' matrix-ish, you might as well just bugger off.
Don't bother with the courtesy call, don't mind that
i studied
traveled half an hour to your place of business and drove myself to heart attack with your nasty technical questions in the interview. I clearly don't deserve the token of a phone call to say, 'stop waiting by your phone'.
I'm getting used to it, I think. I also think that I'm having trouble getting a job for the same reasons sushi joints go out of business in this town. There is something very sccaarrrryyyy about things that are different....
Thats right, I'm terrifying folks.
Nom Nom for now.
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